This is the only photograph in my man-servant's April 25 photo directory, and no more photos have shown up since then. It appears that his camera died a gruesome electronic death.

My man servant, romantic fool that he is, fell in love with the idea of moving his (and my) personal belongings across the lake via canoe. Many jokes were made at my expense involving "humorous" scenarios wherein I was forced into the vessel. Happily, no such event occurred. (As if being trapped, stuffed into a bag, and driven around the lake wasn't bad enough.) However, he did go so far as to make a symbolic move by water. Here, he is pictured backing the canoe away from the house boat with a black suitcase in front of him. Nancy being away again on business, Mark's friend Rachel helped document the voyage, which I later heard took all of ten minutes.
No respect. Just when I thought my man servant and I had an understanding again, he grabbed me by the neck, forced me into my "carrier", tossed me into the back seat like a piece of luggage, and moved me to another floating home.
I'm hiding in a closet now. And I'm never speaking to him again.