Friday, November 23, 2007
Too Much Fun
"Friday we decided to visit the Chittenden Locks and see the salmon ladder -- it was really neat! The Washington State Botanical Gardens are incorporated into the Army Corps of Engineers property surrounding the locks, so it is a lovely park as well as an interesting engineering attraction. We ate dinner at a famous local fish-n-chips place, and then Mark took me to Pioneer Square (the oldest section of Seattle) for a stand-up comedy show! It was great fun. Afterward, we explored the Capitol Hill neighborhood and found a really nice microbrewery. We sat at the bar and had Pumpkin Ale while we quizzed our bartender about good live music venues. She even bought us a drink!"
This explains why my cook keeps giving me the same food every day! Is it too much to ask that they spend a little more time planning my meals and a little less running all over the city, feeding their own faces as they go?!?
More of the Neighborhood
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving, Too!
Food photos rarely do their subjects justice, but you can at the very least see what a magnificent variety of foods they had. Nancy and Mark agreed: it was among the most delicious Thanksgiving meals they had ever had.
Mark's Birthday
My cook and man-servant feasted on smoked fish this morning, and I wasn't offered so much as a shred! Nancy even presented Mark with a birthday candle... in a bagel! The two of them drank tea and ate a variety of fish, with toasted bagels, cream cheese, and warm pretzel, making all matter of yummy sounds, while I hid in my usual spot under the human-bed.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Nancy's Arrival
They went shopping this evening, and, from my hiding spot under the human-bed, I could hear them putting away lots of groceries. It seems they are preparing for some sort of feast.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
In fact, I was reading an email message from one H.R.H. Bugscuffles (already, my blog has the attention of royalty!), and I have important news. His Highness writes that his own domestic, a man named Ryan, received a visit from Mark and Nancy not long ago (one of the weekend visits of which I was so suspicious). During this visit, they spoke at length about me and my pending trip to the houseboat, describing it as a grand adventure. Grand adventure?!? I'm with you, your Highness -- I'd just as soon stay at home.
As for whether there are any other cats in the neighborhood, I have seen one. A long-haired who struts up and down the dock like she owns it. I wonder if she does. I'll try to get a picture of her and post it here.
Bon Voyage?
It appears that Mark and Nancy's friends in Chicago threw them some sort of going-away party, with a cake and everything! More and more, I'm wondering whether they really have come here for some reason other than to sell me into slavery, or frame me for a heinous crime, or push me out to sea on this floating home.
Which, by the way, hasn't moved more than maybe a foot since we got here.
Another Rainy Day
Mark left the door to my room open for an hour or so, but there's no way I'm going out there. Best to wait until dark to explore.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Te Extrañamos Tambien

On the inside of the card, Nancy wrote that she misses Mark... and ME! I think I've definitely been wrong about what's going on here. In response, Mark emailed her this photo, with the subject, "Te Extrañamos Tambien". And it's true, we do miss you, Nancy.

He was so excited about his slippers that he took this photo and emailed it to Nancy. Humans are so funny sometimes.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I Do Love the Scritchin'
I jumped up onto the bed, and he gave me a good scritchin'.

He spent a long time on the phone with Nancy, talking about something called "New Employee Orientation", something which he evidently has to do tomorrow, as well. New employee? That's funny... he seemed to like his job in Chicago. I bet it's a cover story, and I'm not buyin' it. There's no way Mark would have left his home in Chicago to move to this dreary place.
Whatever's really going on, Mark's being super lovey with me. It's nice, but it makes it hard not to trust him -- and I know it's not safe to trust him. I've been burned too many times: taken to the vet, forced to take pills, put on a diet that would starve a guinea pig. Oh, I know better than to trust him. But I do love the scritchin'.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Playing It Cool

I've decided it's best if I play it cool. Maybe Mark will let his guard down, and I can make a break for it.
This room actually isn't so bad. The bed is comfy, it's neither too warm nor too cold, and there are plenty of hiding spots. And Mark put out some food and water for me. For a captive, I guess I'm not doing so badly... at least for now.
No Way Out!
With the paper work complete, I was picked up and toted out of the airport, into another blasted vehicle. Mark called Nancy to tell her, "I'm almost there. Relieved? Yes, but I'm still anxious... I won't be fully relieved 'til I get Brother Man to his new home." New home, I thought? He must know I'm listening, and that's code for "mad scientist's laboratory". But then he said something that made me wonder if I might have misjudged him.
"I'll call you from the houseboat."
Houseboat? Sure enough, he parked the car, unbuckled my seat belt, and carried my bag down a wet dock, with HOUSES on either side, floating in the water! He stopped at the third door on the right, conjured keys from somewhere, and unlocked the door, and in we went.
How am I to interpret this new twist? Am I to be pushed out to sea?
He carried me into a small room with a human-bed in it, then set my bag down on the floor and unzipped the top. With a gentle touch, he undid my harness, then opened the front hatch. We seemed to be alone in this floating house, so I stepped out.

... and found there's no way out!
I'm captive in a floating home.
The Comfort of a Human's Feet
Even as my man is taking me from my home, to who-knows-where, I can't help but find comfort in his presence. When he snuggles his feet against the sides of this bag, I can't help but want to lean into them, as if he were providing me with some sort of safety. Such cognitive dissonance! Is it just me, or is life terribly confusing?
Flying Is For The Birds
This flight is interminable. Will it never end? The turbulence is much worse than I thought it would be. And my mouth is parched, and I can barely keep my eyes open, yet I can't sleep, either. They announced at the beginning of the flight that we're headed to Seattle, and that we would be arriving at 2:44 PM. That was 12:15. Can it really have been less than 90 minutes? I bet we're not headed to Seattle at all. I bet we're headed to... I don't know, but somewhere awful.
Wherever you really are, Washington and Madison, I hope you didn't have to FLY there!

Writing even this brief entry has drained me of what little energy I had. I must rest, and prepare to make a run for it at the first opportunity. But how can I rest, when I am faced with this terrifying question: could this explain the recent disappearance of my old friends Washington and Madison? Could the whole "Camp Shorewood" thing be a cover-up?
P.S. If it looks like Mark posted this, I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm secretly using his Blogger account. It's not like he uses it, so I'm sure he won't notice.
Labels: abducted, cat, Seattle