Nancy sent Mark a sweet card, written in Spanish. During their nightly before-bed phone call, he read it back to her, and she helped him to translate it. On the front, there's a little cartoon character walking along, whistling, pretending not to miss someone he loves. When I saw it, I thought, "Hey, I do that -- I pretend not to miss Mark, and I've been pretending not to miss Nancy." Inside, the cartoon character is crying, and it says, "The show's over". How touching! On the one hand, it kind of makes me sick, it's so sweet. But you know, that's me! Mark comes home, and I just can't help myself. I meow and I meow, and I can't wait for him to pet me, and massage my neck, and just spend time with me.
On the inside of the card, Nancy wrote that she misses Mark... and ME! I think I've definitely been wrong about what's going on here. In response, Mark emailed her this photo, with the subject, "Te Extrañamos Tambien". And it's true, we do miss you, Nancy.
# posted by Mark @ 11:18 PM